What CASA means for GoogleFit

BACK TO BLOG Google has tighten the screws for apps and services that wish to access its data. This applies across the board and due to the sensitive nature of the data they process, health & wellness services are no exception. Services are increasingly required to provide a CASA audit as a prerequisite to access […]
How Sleep-Measuring Wearables Transform Rest and Recharge

BACK TO BLOG Sleep isn’t just another biomarker; it’s a powerful keyhole into our physical and mental well-being, the very cornerstone of our health. 🛌 Its influence on physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance is undeniable. With the advent of wearable technology, tracking sleep patterns has become more accessible and convenient than ever before. […]
What wearables reveal about your cardiovascular health

BACK TO BLOG Our heart, the maestro of our blood’s circulation, plays a vital role in our overall health. Thanks to advancements in wearable tech, we now have a unique opportunity to peek into how this important organ functions, gaining new insights into our heart health. Let’s explore how wearables are changing the way we […]
How wearables unlock epigenetic intervention

BACK TO BLOG Digital Epigenetics: How wearables make personalised health the standard in 2023 In the world of scientific breakthroughs, few fields are as intriguing and promising as epigenetics. Epigenetics delves into the relationship between genes and the environment, shedding light on how our lifestyle choices influence our genetic makeup. As technology advances, the integration […]
Privacy compliant wearables’ integration

BACK TO BLOG Privacy is a defining topic of our times, not least since the scandal around Cambridge Analytica. Regulators are set up around the globe to enforce privacy standards and ensure data sovereignty. For healthcare companies that are slack, consequences are especially critical: ❗️ Millions of fines for data breaches and lax safeguards ❗️ De-listing of services from […]
An overview of wearable ECG signal measurement

BACK TO BLOG Electrocardiograms (ECG or EKG) records are emerging as an essential and innovative feature in approximately 50% of the latest wearable devices available today. Enabling this measurement at any time, anywhere provides great potential to trigger a significant revolution in numerous use cases, owing to the wealth of biomarkers that can be derived […]
The essence: health sensor integration

BACK TO BLOG Week by week, we talk to hundreds of digital health services, that are about to supercharge their service with wearable and consumer health sensor data. All calls boil down to a single theme – how can I get my health data integration right from day 1? Yes it’s strategic Choosing the right […]
The power of data in healthcare

BACK TO BLOG Medical data is unquestionably the fastest-growing set of data on the planet. While today’s average EHRs, only grow by about 80 MB per year – mostly coming from inefficient storage of huge medical images -, the current explosion in digital health tools and sensors creates a significant boost in health data generated […]
An overview of wearable sensors and their implications on health monitoring

BACK TO BLOG The most popular wearable device relying mainly on chemical sensors is the Freestyle Libre by Abbot Diabetes Care. This device is worn on the back of the upper arm and uses an invasive sensor (needle) to measure glucose levels in the interstitial fluid between cells. The recent advances have been pushing Freestyle […]
Wearables in clinical trials

BACK TO BLOG The use of wearables has shown considerable growth in recent years. More and more people own smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other wearable devices. According to research from ROCK HEALTH, more than 40% of consumers track their health data with wearable devices. While most devices are marketed as lifestyle gadgets to track the fitness […]