Thryve’s Wearable API supports a broad variety of health data sources including smartphones, wearables, connected in-home medical devices and at-home blood and intestinal tests.
All those data sources provide data in various structures with their own naming conventions. To provide you with clean and well-structured health data, we harmonize this data for you into our Thryve Biomarkers.
The following page will give you an overview of the general concept of Thryve Biomarkers and the full overview of all available data types.
Availability of data
Whenever new data is retrieved from the data source, we make it available in real-time and inform you, if configured, via our notification webhooks. The frequency and regularity of data availability depends mainly on
- end-user adherence to measurement routines (e.g., if users don’t wear a sensor/device no data will be generated)
- synchronization of device data by end-user (e.g., if the user has no internet connection or does not synchronize data in the manufacturer app regularly)
- energy saving mechanisms of operating system and/or smartphone manufacturer
- platform of the data source (e.g., some manufacturers provide data faster than others)
- and overall, the specifics of the used device (e.g., some devices require user interaction to start measurement)
Please refer to the following paragraphs to understand the characteristics of different types of data sources for the data availability.
Characteristics of native data sources
Data availability and retrieval from native data sources like Apple Health, Google Fit native and Samsung Health is dependent on a multitude of factors that are not always transparent to app developers.
As the retrieval is happening on the end user's device, factors like low battery, low memory availability, connectivity, data and/or energy saving settings as well as general device usage can highly influence the background synchronization of data.
In addition, factors like the end-user adherence and user interaction with your app are factored in by the operating system. Especially with apple devices, the more the enduser interacts with your app, the more the operating system prioritizes the data retrieval as it considers the app more useful and trustworthy.
For native data sources, Thryve's SDK requests data once every hour in the background. Due to the factors stated above the frequency of the actual data retrieval can range from 1h to 12h.
Characteristics of OAuth data sources
As data is retrieved via server-to-server communication of Thryve's infrastructure and the corresponding data sources, the retrieval is performed as soon as the endusers data arrives on the manufacturers server.
Generally, Thryve is informed by the manufacturer via Pings or Subscriptions about new user data. For data sources without Pings or Subscriptions, Thryve retrieves data via bulk request every 15 minutes. For more information, please refer to the data source section of this documentation.
To ensure timely data retrieval, make sure your endusers regularly synchronize data with the manufacturer's app and have an active bluetooth and internet connection.
Granularity of data
The level of detail for data of specific biomarkers provided by Thryve's Wearable API is highly dependent on the data source and the end users device. The provided granularity (resolution) of the same biomarker can vary strongly. While Thryve's data harmonization normalizes data into a standardized format, the granularity is neither manipulated nor impacted at any level by the aggregation.
Sensors in wearable typically record data at a high sampling rate (50Hz and higher), which is transformed into digestable values by the manufacturer. The granularity of these values depends on the manufacturer's philosophy. While, for step data, Withings provides data in chunks of max. 10 minutes (for as long as the user is walking), Polar provides aggregates on an hourly level while Oura is only providing this data on a daily level.
You can find information on whether data is available on an intraday basis (with varying granularity between data sources) and/or on daily level (max. one value per biomarker per day) for every biomarker on the right side of this documentation. (for logged in users only)
Validity of data
Contemporary fitness trackers, smartwatches and other sensors have proved sufficient validity for outpatient settings. The specific validity and data quality of a single measurement generally depends on
- enduser adherence to the operation instructions provided by manufacturer (e.g. fit of a smartwatch on the wrist)
- individual disabilities, i.e. step detection algorithms within devices have not been tailored and tested to work with walking frames and underestimate steps in this case
- and overall, the specifics of the used device (e.g. some devices have FDA-certified measurements with high data quality)
Additional Recording Information
To give you the opportunity to make decisions on the validity of specific measurements, Thryve provides, if applicable, Additional Recording Information:
Parameter | Description |
manual_entry | Data was added manually by a user |
manual_measurement | Data was recorded by a sensor measurement that was manually triggered by a user |
automated_measurement | Data was recorded by a passive sensor measurement |
smartphone | Data was recorded by a smartphone sensor |
tracker | Data was recorded by a wearable sensor or medical device |
third_party | Data was recorded by a (unknown) third-party data source |
calculation | Data was calculated by Thryve (e.g., daily steps if not provided by manufacturer) |
Medical Grade
Parameter | Description |
Yes | Data was recorded by a sensor measurement that was, e.g., certified by the FDA and can be considered medical/clinical grade |
No | Data was recorded by a sensor measurement with no clinical validation |
Based on the experience of almost a decade in sensor-fusion and biosensor technology we have developed a system analyzing specific measurements for its trustworthiness. If applicable, we annotate measurements with the following labels:
Parameter | Description |
Plausible | Recording resulted plausible values for the specific data type and timestamp |
unlikely | Recording is causing some doubts regarding the plausibility for the specific data type and timestamp |
implausible | Recording has probably generated false values as the data seems highly unlikely to be plausible for the specific data type and timestamp |
Insufficient_database | Calculation of a data point generated by Thryve probably resulted in an implausible value due to a missing/insufficient data |
Certain data sources like Garmin or Withings label the trustworthiness of certain measurements by themselves based on their experience and potentially additional information provided by the user. We channel those annotations accordingly and provide the following labels:
Parameter | Description |
Unfavorable_measurement_context | Device manufacturer believes the recording was made, e.g., while moving even though no activity is advised for the measurement |
Doubt_from_device_source | User has manually tagged the recording as unlikely/implausible |
Doubt_from_user | Recording has probably generated false values as the data seems highly unlikely to be plausible for the specific data type and timestamp |
Verified_from_device_source | Device manufacturer believes the recording is plausible |
Verified_from_user | User has manually tagged the recording as plausible |
Chronological exactness
The chronological exactness indicates the imprecision of intraday timestamp for specific activity. This imprecision occurs when some specific sources give the summary of activity without precise information about timestamp of specific activity. The unit is given in minutes (integer).
This is for some data sources the case when a user, e.g., rund 50 minutes with an IntenseActivity session of 20 minutes, a MediumActivity session of 20 minutes and a LowActivity session for 10 minutes, the latter three values won’t have an exact timestamp.
Timezone UTC offset
All timestamps of recordings are provided in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format. If a user has set their account to a different location/timezone, we will provide the offset as an integer in minutes.
Body Composition
Height Daily | height in centimeters | DataTypeID: 5030 | LONG |
Height Intraday | height in centimeters | DataTypeID: 5030 | LONG |
Weight Daily | weight in kilogram | DataTypeID: 5020 | DOUBLE |
Weight Intraday | weight in kilogram | DataTypeID: 5020 | DOUBLE |
BMI Daily | body mass index | DataTypeID: 5026 | DOUBLE |
BMI Intraday | body mass index | DataTypeID: 5026 | DOUBLE |
RestingMetabolicRate Intraday | energy the body needs to function while at rest in calories | DataTypeID: 1016 | LONG |
MuscleMass Intraday | muscle mass in kilograms | DataTypeID: 5021 | DOUBLE |
BoneMass Intraday | bone mass in kilograms | DataTypeID: 5022 | DOUBLE |
FatFreeMass Intraday | fat free body mass in kilograms | DataTypeID: 5023 | LONG |
FatMass Intraday | mass of body fat in kilograms | DataTypeID: 5024 | DOUBLE |
FatRatio Daily | fat ratio to total body mass in percent | DataTypeID: 5025 | LONG |
FatRatio Intraday | fat ratio to total body mass in percent | DataTypeID: 5025 | LONG |
WaterMass Intraday | mass of body water in kilograms | DataTypeID: 5029 | DOUBLE |
WaistCircumference Daily | waist circumference in centimeters | DataTypeID: 5027 | LONG |
Intraday data on activity is only available for workout sessions that are either manually triggered by the end-user or automatically recording from specific trackers.
Steps Daily | sum of steps (including the manually added values) | DataTypeID: 1000 | LONG |
StepsManual Daily | Calculated daily sum of steps manually added via data source application | DataTypeID: 1090 | LONG |
Steps Intraday | sum of steps (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1000 | DOUBLE |
BurnedCalories Daily | estimation of kilo calories burned per day (including the manually added values) | DataTypeID: 1010 | LONG |
BurnedCalories Intraday | estimation of burned kilo calories (in this timeframe), comprising basic and activity induced calories consumption | DataTypeID: 1010 | DOUBLE |
ActiveBurnedCalories Daily | estimation of additional kilo calories (including the manually added values) burned during activities | DataTypeID: 1011 | LONG |
ActiveBurnedCalories Intraday | the part of burned kilo calories, that is induced by activity (in this timeframe) - in contrast to basic calory consumption | DataTypeID: 1011 | DOUBLE |
ActiveDuration Daily | sum of minutes (including the manually added minutes) spent in a generically active state | DataTypeID: 1114 | LONG |
ActiveBinary Intraday | generic activity detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1114 | BOOLEAN |
ActiveDurationManual Daily | sum of manually added active state minutes | DataTypeID: 1814 | DOUBLE |
ActiveBikeDuration Intraday | Active minutes during generic (non-walk/run/bike) activity (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1824 | DOUBLE |
RestDuration Daily | sum of minutes spent resting | DataTypeID: 1113 | LONG |
RestBinary Intraday | rest detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1113 | BOOLEAN |
SittingBinary Intraday | sitting detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1119 | BOOLEAN |
LeisureBinary Intraday | leisure activity detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1120 | BOOLEAN |
ActivityDuration Daily | overall sum of active minutes (all recorded activitites other than sleep, rest, charge, doffed). This also includes the manually added values | DataTypeID: 1100 | LONG |
ActivityType Intraday | ID of the broad activity category | DataTypeID: 1200 | LONG |
Click here to see the list of available ActivityTypes
101 | Doffed |
102 | Sleep |
103 | Rest |
104 | Active |
105 | Walk |
106 | Run |
107 | Bike |
108 | Transport |
110 | Leisure |
CoveredDistance Daily | covered distance (including the manually added values) in meters | DataTypeID: 1001 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance Intraday | covered distance in meters (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1001 | DOUBLE |
FloorsClimbed Daily | number of staircase floors climbed (including the manually added values) | DataTypeID: 1002 | LONG |
FloorsClimbed Intraday | number of staircase floors climbed (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1002 | LONG |
ElevationGain Daily | elevation gain (including the manually added values) in meters | DataTypeID: 1003 | DOUBLE |
ElevationGain Intraday | elevation gain in meters (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1003 | DOUBLE |
Activity Extended
ActivitySedentaryDuration Daily | sum of minutes (including the manually added values) spent sedentary | DataTypeID: 1104 | LONG |
ActivitySedentaryBinary Intraday | activity with very low HR zone (sedentary) detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1104 | BOOLEAN |
ActivityLowDuration Daily | sum of minutes (including the manually added values) spent with light activity | DataTypeID: 1101 | LONG |
ActivityLowBinary Intraday | low Activity detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1101 | BOOLEAN |
ActivityMidDuration Daily | sum of minutes (including the manually added values) spent with medium activity | DataTypeID: 1102 | LONG |
ActivityMidBinary Intraday | medium Activity detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1102 | BOOLEAN |
ActivityHighDuration Daily | sum of minutes (including the manually added values) spent with high activity | DataTypeID: 1103 | LONG |
ActivityHighBinary Intraday | high Activity detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1103 | BOOLEAN |
ActivityTypeDetail1 Intraday | ID of the specific activity category | DataTypeID: 1201 | LONG |
Click here to see the list of available IDs for ActivityTypeDetail1
203 | Mindfulness |
204 | Active |
205 | Walk |
206 | Run |
207 | Bike |
210 | Leisure |
211 | BallSports |
212 | GymSports |
213 | FightSports |
214 | WaterSports |
215 | WinterSports |
216 | Endurance |
220 | AirSports |
ActivityTypeDetail2 Intraday | ID of the very specific activity category | DataTypeID: 1202 | LONG |
Click here to see the list of available IDs for ActivityTypeDetail2
303 | GuidedBreathing |
304 | Active |
305 | Walk |
306 | Run |
307 | Bike |
308 | Aerobics |
310 | Leisure |
313 | Gymsports |
314 | Pilates |
315 | Sledding |
316 | HIIT |
317 | Mountain biking |
320 | Wakeboarding |
321 | Swimming |
322 | Diving |
323 | Yoga |
324 | Hiking |
325 | Climbing |
326 | Climbing stairs |
327 | Dancing |
328 | Skating |
329 | Horseback Riding |
330 | Skiing |
331 | Snowboarding |
332 | Ice Skating |
333 | Cross-country skiing |
334 | Surfing |
335 | Rowing |
336 | Sailing |
337 | Spinning |
338 | Nordic walking |
339 | Rugby |
340 | Soccer |
341 | Handball |
342 | Baseball |
343 | Basketball |
344 | Tennis |
345 | Table Tennis |
346 | Badminton |
347 | Volleyball |
348 | Golfing |
349 | American Football |
350 | Boxing |
351 | Martial Arts |
352 | Wrestling |
354 | Hockey |
356 | Softball |
357 | Padel |
358 | Squash |
359 | Cricket |
360 | Zumba |
361 | Wheelchair |
362 | Kayaking |
363 | Walking using crutches |
364 | Paragliding |
365 | Skydiving |
370 | Fishing |
371 | Hunting |
372 | Curling |
373 | Frisbee |
374 | Lacrosse |
378 | Stretching |
379 | Meditation |
380 | Household activity |
381 | Fencing |
382 | Trampolining |
383 | Archery |
385 | Triathlon |
386 | Bowling |
387 | Bodybuilding |
388 | Billiards |
389 | Darts |
390 | Gymnastics |
391 | Kite |
392 | Orienteering |
393 | Polo |
394 | Snowshoeing |
395 | Kitesurfing |
396 | Racing |
397 | Motocross |
398 | Standup Paddleboarding |
399 | Water running |
400 | Mindful activity |
401 | White water rafting |
402 | Hula hooping |
403 | Crossfit |
404 | Rowing machine |
401 | Elliptical |
406 | Canoeing |
407 | Water Aerobics |
408 | Windsurfing |
409 | Ice hockey |
410 | Pickleball |
411 | Water skiing |
412 | Skateboarding |
413 | Snowkiting |
414 | E-Sports |
415 | Weight training |
416 | Weight machine training |
417 | Treadmill running |
418 | Treadmill walking |
419 | Racquetball |
420 | Rockclimbing |
WalkDuration Daily | sum of minutes (including the manually added minutes) spent walking | DataTypeID: 1115 | LONG |
WalkBinary Intraday | walk detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1115 | BOOLEAN |
WalkDurationManual Daily | sum of manually added walking minutes | DataTypeID: 1815 | DOUBLE |
ActiveWalkDuration Intraday | Active minutes during walk activity (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1825 | DOUBLE |
RunDuration Daily | sum of minutes (including the manually added minutes) spent running | DataTypeID: 1116 | LONG |
RunBinary Intraday | run detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1116 | BOOLEAN |
RunDurationManual Daily | sum of manually added running minutes | DataTypeID: 1816 | DOUBLE |
ActiveRunDuration Intraday | Active minutes during run activity (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1826 | DOUBLE |
BikeDuration Daily | sum of minutes (including the manually added minutes) spent biking | DataTypeID: 1117 | LONG |
BikeBinary Intraday | biking detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1117 | BOOLEAN |
BikeDurationManual Daily | sum of manually added biking minutes | DataTypeID: 1817 | DOUBLE |
ActiveBikeDuration Intraday | Active minutes during bike activity (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1827 | DOUBLE |
TransportDuration Daily | sum of minutes (including the manually added minutes) spent in car or transport vehicle | DataTypeID: 1118 | LONG |
TransportBinary Intraday | transport detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1118 | BOOLEAN |
TransportDuration Manual Daily | sum of manually added transportation minutes | DataTypeID: 1818 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance Walk Daily | sum of covered distance (including the manually added distance) from recorded walking activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1715 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance Walk Intraday | covered distance from recorded walking activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1715 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance WalkManual Daily | sum of covered distance from manually added walking activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1725 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance WalkManual Intraday | covered distance from manually added walking activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1725 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance Run Daily | sum of covered distance (including the manually added distance) from recorded running activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1716 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance Run Intraday | covered distance from recorded running activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1716 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance RunManual Daily | sum of covered distance from manually added running activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1726 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance RunManual Intraday | covered distance from manually added running activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1726 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance Bike Daily | sum of covered distance (including the manually added distance) from recorded biking/cycling activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1717 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance Bike Intraday | covered distance from recorded biking/cycling activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1717 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance BikeManual Daily | sum of covered distance from manually added biking/cycling activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1727 | DOUBLE |
CoveredDistance BikeManual Intraday | covered distance from manually added biking/cycling activity in meters | DataTypeID: 1727 | DOUBLE |
Fitness & Workouts
ActivityType Intraday | ID of the broad activity category | DataTypeID: 1200 | LONG |
Click here to see the list of available ActivityTypes
101 | Doffed |
102 | Sleep |
103 | Rest |
104 | Active |
105 | Walk |
106 | Run |
107 | Bike |
108 | Transport |
110 | Leisure |
ActivityTypeDetail1 Intraday | ID of the specific activity category | DataTypeID: 1201 | LONG |
Click here to see the list of available IDs for ActivityTypeDetail1
203 | Mindfulness |
204 | Active |
205 | Walk |
206 | Run |
207 | Bike |
210 | Leisure |
211 | BallSports |
212 | GymSports |
213 | FightSports |
214 | WaterSports |
215 | WinterSports |
216 | Endurance |
220 | AirSports |
ActivityTypeDetail2 Intraday | ID of the very specific activity category | DataTypeID: 1202 | LONG |
Click here to see the list of available IDs for ActivityTypeDetail2
303 | GuidedBreathing |
304 | Active |
305 | Walk |
306 | Run |
307 | Bike |
308 | Aerobics |
310 | Leisure |
313 | Gymsports |
314 | Pilates |
315 | Sledding |
316 | HIIT |
317 | Mountain biking |
320 | Wakeboarding |
321 | Swimming |
322 | Diving |
323 | Yoga |
324 | Hiking |
325 | Climbing |
326 | Climbing stairs |
327 | Dancing |
328 | Skating |
329 | Horseback Riding |
330 | Skiing |
331 | Snowboarding |
332 | Ice Skating |
333 | Cross-country skiing |
334 | Surfing |
335 | Rowing |
336 | Sailing |
337 | Spinning |
338 | Nordic walking |
339 | Rugby |
340 | Soccer |
341 | Handball |
342 | Baseball |
343 | Basketball |
344 | Tennis |
345 | Table Tennis |
346 | Badminton |
347 | Volleyball |
348 | Golfing |
349 | American Football |
350 | Boxing |
351 | Martial Arts |
352 | Wrestling |
354 | Hockey |
356 | Softball |
357 | Padel |
358 | Squash |
359 | Cricket |
360 | Zumba |
361 | Wheelchair |
362 | Kayaking |
363 | Walking using crutches |
364 | Paragliding |
365 | Skydiving |
370 | Fishing |
371 | Hunting |
372 | Curling |
373 | Frisbee |
374 | Lacrosse |
378 | Stretching |
379 | Meditation |
380 | Household activity |
381 | Fencing |
382 | Trampolining |
383 | Archery |
385 | Triathlon |
386 | Bowling |
387 | Bodybuilding |
388 | Billiards |
389 | Darts |
390 | Gymnastics |
391 | Kite |
392 | Orienteering |
393 | Polo |
394 | Snowshoeing |
395 | Kitesurfing |
396 | Racing |
397 | Motocross |
398 | Standup Paddleboarding |
399 | Water running |
400 | Mindful activity |
401 | White water rafting |
402 | Hula hooping |
403 | Crossfit |
404 | Rowing machine |
401 | Elliptical |
406 | Canoeing |
407 | Water Aerobics |
408 | Windsurfing |
409 | Ice hockey |
410 | Pickleball |
411 | Water skiing |
412 | Skateboarding |
413 | Snowkiting |
414 | E-Sports |
415 | Weight training |
416 | Weight machine training |
417 | Treadmill running |
418 | Treadmill walking |
419 | Racquetball |
420 | Rockclimbing |
ActivityLap Intraday |
Detected activity lap | DataTypeID: 1250 | BOOLEAN |
Cadence Intraday |
The activity's average cadence | DataTypeID: 1260 | DOUBLE |
DetailedCadence Intraday |
The detailed activity's average cadence | DataTypeID: 1270 | DOUBLE |
Speed Intraday |
The activity's average speed, in meters per second | DataTypeID: 1261 | DOUBLE |
DetailedSpeed Intraday |
The detailed activity's average speed, in meters per second | DataTypeID: 1271 | DOUBLE |
MaxSpeed Intraday |
The activity's max speed, in meters per second | DataTypeID: 1262 | DOUBLE |
DetailedMaxSpeed Intraday |
The detailed activity's max speed, in meters per second | DataTypeID: 1272 | DOUBLE |
Pace Intraday |
The activity's average pace, in minutes per kilometer | DataTypeID: 1263 | DOUBLE |
DetailedPace Intraday |
The detailed activity's average pace, in minutes per kilometer | DataTypeID: 1273 | DOUBLE |
MaxPace Intraday |
The activity's max pace, in minutes per kilometer | DataTypeID: 1264 | DOUBLE |
DetailedMaxPace Intraday |
The detailed activity's max pace, in minutes per kilometer | DataTypeID: 1274 | DOUBLE |
PowerInWatts Intraday |
Watts produced during training | DataTypeID: 1265 | DOUBLE |
DetailedPowerInWatts Intraday |
Detailed Watts produced during training | DataTypeID: 1275 | DOUBLE |
Blood sugar
BloodGlucose Daily | blood glucose content in mmol/L | DataTypeID: 3302 | DOUBLE |
BloodGlucose Intraday | blood glucose content in mmol/L | DataTypeID: 3302 | DOUBLE |
EstimatedBloodGlucose Intraday | Estimated blood glucose content in mmol/L | DataTypeID: 3305 | DOUBLE |
HbA1c Daily | glycated hemoglobin HbA1c | DataTypeID: 3303 | DOUBLE |
HbA1c Intraday | glycated hemoglobin HbA1c | DataTypeID: 3303 | DOUBLE |
HeartRate Daily | average heart rate | DataTypeID: 3000 | LONG |
HeartRate Intraday | heart rate detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 3000 | LONG |
HeartRateResting Daily | average resting heart rate | DataTypeID: 3001 | LONG |
HeartRateResting Intraday | resting heart rate detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 3001 | LONG |
HeartRateSleep Daily | average nightly heart rate | DataTypeID: 3002 | LONG |
HeartRateSleepLowest Daily | The lowest heart rate of the main sleep cycle | DataTypeID: 3020 | LONG |
SPO2 Intraday | SPO2 detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 3009 | DOUBLE |
VO2max Daily | maximum cardiovascular oxygen intake in mol per minute and kilogram of body weight | DataTypeID: 3030 | DOUBLE |
VO2max Intraday | maximum cardiovadcular oxygen intake in mol per minute and kilogram of body weight | DataTypeID: 3030 | DOUBLE |
BloodPressureDiastolic Daily | diastolic blood pressure in mmHg | DataTypeID: 3300 | LONG |
BloodPressureDiastolic Intraday | diastolic blood pressure in mmHg | DataTypeID: 3300 | LONG |
BloodPressureSystolic Daily | systolic blood pressure in mmHg | DataTypeID: 3301 | LONG |
BloodPressureSystolic Intraday | systolic blood pressure in mmHg | DataTypeID: 3301 | LONG |
Cardiovascular Extended
AtrialFibrillationDetection Daily | atrial fibrillation detected on this day | DataTypeID: 3120 | BOOLEAN |
AtrialFibrillationDetection Intraday | atrial fibrillation detected in this timeframe | DataTypeID: 3120 | BOOLEAN |
ArrhythmiaDetection Daily | irregular heartbeat detected on this day | DataTypeID: 3121 | BOOLEAN |
ArrhythmiaDetection Intraday | irregular heartbeat detected in this timeframe | DataTypeID: 3121 | BOOLEAN |
InterbeatIntervals Intraday | Comma-seperated array of RR-intervals | DataTypeID: 3029 | STRING |
PulseWaveVelocity Intraday | PulseWave Velocity detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 3008 | DOUBLE |
Rmssd Daily | Average daily RMSSD (indicator of heart rate variability) | DataTypeID: 3100 | DOUBLE |
Rmssd Intraday | RMSSD detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 3100 | DOUBLE |
RmssdSleep Daily | Average daily RMSSD (indicator of heart rate variability) for main sleep period | DataTypeID: 3106 | DOUBLE |
RmssdSleepHighest Daily | Highest daily RMSSD (indicator of heart rate variability) for main sleep period | DataTypeID: 3107 | DOUBLE |
SDNN Daily | Standard deviation of the IBI intervals measured in ms | DataTypeID: 3112 | DOUBLE |
SDNN Intraday | Standard deviation of the IBI intervals measured in ms | DataTypeID: 3112 | DOUBLE |
SDRR Daily | Standard deviation in time between heartbeats, also known as "RR interval", measured in ms | DataTypeID: 3113 | DOUBLE |
SDRR Intraday | Standard deviation in time between heartbeats, also known as "RR interval", measured in ms | DataTypeID: 3113 | DOUBLE |
MeanArterialPressure Intraday | average blood pressure in an individual during a single cardiac cycle in mmHg | DataTypeID: 3304 | LONG |
RawECGVoltage Intraday | Raw ECG voltages detected within 1 measurement | DataTypeID: 31200 | JSON |
HeartRateZoneLightDuration Daily | Duration in minute that the heart rate is in the light zone | DataTypeID: 3090 | LONG |
HeartRateZoneModerateDuration Daily | Duration in minute that the heart rate is in the moderate zone | DataTypeID: 3091 | LONG |
HeartRateZoneIntenseDuration Daily | Duration in minute that the heart rate is in the intense zone | DataTypeID: 3092 | LONG |
HeartRateZoneMaximalDuration Daily | Duration in minute that the heart rate is in the maximal zone | DataTypeID: 3093 | LONG |
FitbitActiveZoneDuration Intraday | Duration in minutes in any Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300100 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone OutOfRangeDuration Intraday | Duration in minutes in "Out of range" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300101 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone OutOfRangeCalories Intraday | Calories burned in "Out of range" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300102 | DOUBLE |
FitbitHeartRateZone OutOfRangeMaxHeartRate Intraday | Highest heart rate in "Out of range" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300103 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone OutOfRangeMinHeartRate Intraday | Highest heart rate in "Out of range" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300104 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone FatBurnDuration Intraday | Duration in minutes in "FatBurn" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300105 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone FatBurnCalories Intraday | Calories burned in "FatBurn" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300106 | DOUBLE |
FitbitHeartRateZone FatBurnMaxHeartRate Intraday | Max heart rate in "FatBurn" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300107 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone FatBurnMinHeartRate Intraday | Min heart rate in "FatBurn" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300108 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone CardioDuration Intraday | Duration in minutes in "Cardio" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300109 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone CardioCalories Intraday | Calories burned in "Cardio" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300110 | DOUBLE |
FitbitHeartRateZone CardioMaxHeartRate Intraday | Highest heart rate in "Cardio" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300111 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone CardioMinHeartRate Intraday | Lowest heart rate in "Cardio" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300112 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone PeakDuration Intraday | Duration in minutes in "Peak" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300113 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone PeakCalories Intraday | Calories burned in "Peak" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300114 | DOUBLE |
FitbitHeartRateZone PeakMaxHeartRate Intraday | Highest heart rate in "Peak" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300115 | LONG |
FitbitHeartRateZone PeakMinHeartRate Intraday | Lowest heart rate in "Peak" Fitbit HeartRateZone | DataTypeID: 300116 | LONG |
Google Fit HeartPoint
HeartPoint Daily | average Google Fit heart point | DataTypeID: 3028 | LONG |
HeartPoint Intraday | Google Fit heart point from activities that get the heart pumping harder (detected in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 3028 | LONG |
RespirationRate Daily | average respiration rate | DataTypeID: 4000 | LONG |
RespirationRate Intraday | respiration rate (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 4000 | LONG |
RespirationRateResting Daily | average resting respiration rate | DataTypeID: 4001 | LONG |
RespirationRateSleep Daily | average nightly respiration rate | DataTypeID: 4002 | LONG |
Breathing Disturbances Intensity Daily | Breathing Disturbances Intensity (range of 0-30 indicates low disturbances intensity, range of 30-60 indicates mid disturbances intensity, while range of 60+ indicates mid disturbances intensity) | DataTypeID: 4100 | LONG |
BodyTemperature Daily | body temperature in degree celsius | DataTypeID: 5040 | DOUBLE |
BodyTemperature Intraday | body temperature in degree celsius | DataTypeID: 5040 | DOUBLE |
Daily | SkinTemperature Daily | skin temperature in degree celsius | DataTypeID: 5041 | DOUBLE |
SkinTemperature Intraday | skin temperature in degree celsius | DataTypeID: 5041 | DOUBLE |
UndefinedTemperature Intraday | temperature at undefined location in degree celsius | DataTypeID: 5042 | DOUBLE |
AverageStress Daily | average stress during the day scaling from 0 to 100 | DataTypeID: 6010 | LONG |
Stress Intraday | stress measured during that period scaling from 0 to 100 | DataTypeID: 6010 | LONG |
HighStressDuration Daily | overall time spent in very stressed state in minutes | DataTypeID: 6011 | LONG |
HighStressBinary Intraday | high level of stress state detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 6011 | BOOLEAN |
MediumStressDuration Daily | overall time spent in medium stressed state in minutes | DataTypeID: 6012 | LONG |
MediumStressBinary Intraday | medium level of stress state detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 6012 | BOOLEAN |
LowStressDuration Daily | overall time spent in lowly stressed state in minutes | DataTypeID: 6013 | LONG |
LowStressBinary Intraday | low level of stress state detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 6013 | BOOLEAN |
EDA Daily | Electrodermal activity measures the conductance of the user’s skin | DataTypeID: 5050 | DOUBLE |
EDA Intraday | Electrodermal activity measures the conductance of the user’s skin | DataTypeID: 5050 | DOUBLE |
SleepBinary Intraday | sleep detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1112 | BOOLEAN |
SleepStartTime Daily | time of the first sleep onset | DataTypeID: 2100 | DATE |
SleepEndTime Daily | time of the last wake-up | DataTypeID: 2101 | DATE |
SleepDuration Daily | overall sleep duration without wake times in minutes | DataTypeID: 2000 | LONG |
SleepStateBinary Intraday | sleep detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 2000 | BOOLEAN |
SleepInterruptions Daily | number of sleep interruptions during the night | DataTypeID: 2102 | LONG |
SleepInterruptions | sleep interruptions detected during the night | DataTypeID: 2102 | Binary |
SnoringBinary | sleep interruptions detected during the night | DataTypeID: 4101 | Binary |
SleepLightDuration Daily | overall time spent in light sleep in minutes | DataTypeID: 2005 | LONG |
SleepLightBinary Intraday | light sleep detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 2005 | BOOLEAN |
SleepREMDuration Daily | overall time spent in REM sleep minutes during the night | DataTypeID: 2002 | LONG |
SleepREMBinary Intraday | REM sleep detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 2002 | BOOLEAN |
SleepDeepDuration Daily | overall time spent in deep sleep in minutes | DataTypeID: 2003 | LONG |
SleepDeepBinary Intraday | deep sleep detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 2003 | BOOLEAN |
SleepAwakeDuration Daily | overall time awake during sleep periods in minutes | DataTypeID: 2006 | LONG |
SleepAwakeBinary Intraday | sleep interruption detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 2006 | BOOLEAN |
SleepAwakeAfterWakeup Daily | sum of minutes spent in bed after waking up | DataTypeID: 2008 | LONG |
SleepAwakeAfterWakeUpBinary Intraday | minutes spent in bed after waking up (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 2008 | BOOLEAN |
SleepInBedDuration Daily | overall sleep duration with wake times during the night in minutes | DataTypeID: 2001 | LONG |
SleepInBedBinary Intraday | sleep with wake times detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 2001 | BOOLEAN |
SleepLatency Daily | duration from bedtime (light out), to the onset of sleep in minutes | DataTypeID: 2007 | LONG |
SleepLatencyBinary Intraday | sleep onset phase detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 2007 | BOOLEAN |
SleepEfficiency Daily | percentage of time spent asleep while in bed (the amount of minutes spent asleep divided by the total minutes of time in bed) | DataTypeID: 2200 | LONG |
SleepQuality Daily | sleep quality index scaling from 0 to 100, where the values above 77 signify good sleep quality, while those below 77 signify poor sleep quality. | DataTypeID: 2201 | LONG |
SleepIntensity Daily | average sleep intensity | DataTypeID: 2210 | DOUBLE |
SleepIntensity Intraday | sleep intensity (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 2210 | DOUBLE |
SleepRegularity Daily | Established Indicator describing the likelihood that any two time-points 24 hours apart were the same sleep/wake state, across all days. | DataTypeID: 2220 | LONG |
Hydration Daily | hydration consumption level in mL | DataTypeID: 5043 | DOUBLE |
Hydration Intraday | hydration consumption level in mL | DataTypeID: 5043 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedCalories Daily | Consumed calories in kcal | DataTypeID: 8000 | LONG |
ConsumedCalories Intraday | Consumed calories in kcal | DataTypeID: 8000 | LONG |
ConsumedFat Daily | nutritional intake of fat in g | DataTypeID: 8001 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedFat Intraday | nutritional intake of fat in g | DataTypeID: 8001 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSaturatedFat Daily | nutritional intake of saturated fat in g | DataTypeID: 8002 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSaturatedFat Intraday | nutritional intake of saturated fat in g | DataTypeID: 8002 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedCarboHydrates Daily | nutritional intake of carbohydrates in g | DataTypeID: 8003 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedCarboHydrates Intraday | nutritional intake of carbohydrates in g | DataTypeID: 8003 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSugar Daily | nutritional intake of sugar in g | DataTypeID: 8004 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSugar Intraday | nutritional intake of sugar in g | DataTypeID: 8004 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedProtein Daily | nutritional intake of protein in g | DataTypeID: 8005 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedProtein Intraday | nutritional intake of protein in g | DataTypeID: 8005 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSalt Daily | nutritional intake of salt in g | DataTypeID: 8006 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSalt Intraday | nutritional intake of salt in g | DataTypeID: 8006 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSugarAlcohols Daily | nutritional intake of sugar alcohols in g | DataTypeID: 8007 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSugarAlcohols Intraday | nutritional intake of sugar alcohols in g | DataTypeID: 8007 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedStarch Daily | nutritional intake of starch in g | DataTypeID: 8008 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedStarch Intraday | nutritional intake of starch in g | DataTypeID: 8008 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedFiber Daily | nutritional intake of fiber in g | DataTypeID: 8009 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedFiber Intraday | nutritional intake of fiber in g | DataTypeID: 8009 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedCalcium Daily | nutritional intake of calcium in mg | DataTypeID: 8010 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedCalcium Intraday | nutritional intake of calcium in mg | DataTypeID: 8010 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedIron Daily | nutritional intake of iron in mg | DataTypeID: 8011 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedIron Intraday | nutritional intake of iron in mg | DataTypeID: 8011 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedPotassium Daily | nutritional intake of potassium in mg | DataTypeID: 8012 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedPotassium Intraday | nutritional intake of potassium in mg | DataTypeID: 8012 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSodium Daily | nutritional intake of sodium in mg | DataTypeID: 8013 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedSodium Intraday | nutritional intake of sodium in mg | DataTypeID: 8013 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedPhosphorus Daily | nutritional intake of phosphorus in mg | DataTypeID: 8014 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedPhosphorus Intraday | nutritional intake of phosphorus in mg | DataTypeID: 8014 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedCholesterol Daily | nutritional intake of cholesterol in mg | DataTypeID: 8016 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedCholesterol Intraday | nutritional intake of cholesterol in mg | DataTypeID: 8016 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedIodine Daily | nutritional intake of iodine in mg | DataTypeID: 8019 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedIodine Intraday | nutritional intake of iodine in mg | DataTypeID: 8019 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedMagnesium Daily | nutritional intake of magnesium in mg | DataTypeID: 8021 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedMagnesium Intraday | nutritional intake of magnesium in mg | DataTypeID: 8021 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedZinc Daily | nutritional intake of zinc in mg | DataTypeID: 8022 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedZinc Intraday | nutritional intake of zinc in mg | DataTypeID: 8022 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminA Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin A in mg | DataTypeID: 8023 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminA Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin A in mg | DataTypeID: 8023 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB1 Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin B1 in mg | DataTypeID: 8024 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB1 Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin B1 in mg | DataTypeID: 8024 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB2 Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin B2 in mg | DataTypeID: 8025 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB2 Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin B2 in mg | DataTypeID: 8025 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB3 Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin B3 in mg | DataTypeID: 8026 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB3 Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin B3 in mg | DataTypeID: 8026 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB5 Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin B5 in mg | DataTypeID: 8028 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB5 Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin B5 in mg | DataTypeID: 8028 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB6 Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin B6 in mg | DataTypeID: 8029 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB6 Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin B6 in mg | DataTypeID: 8029 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB12 Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin B12 in mg | DataTypeID: 8031 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminB12 Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin B12 in mg | DataTypeID: 8031 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminC Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin C in mg | DataTypeID: 8032 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminC Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin C in mg | DataTypeID: 8032 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminD Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin D in mg | DataTypeID: 8033 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminD Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin D in mg | DataTypeID: 8033 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminE Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin E in mg | DataTypeID: 8034 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminE Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin E in mg | DataTypeID: 8034 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminK Daily | nutritional intake of vitamin K in mg | DataTypeID: 8035 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedVitaminK Intraday | nutritional intake of vitamin K in mg | DataTypeID: 8035 | DOUBLE |
ConsumedUnsaturatedFat Daily | nutritional intake of unsaturated fat in g | DataTypeID: 8045 | DOUBLE |
MedicineConsumptionStatus Intraday | medicine consumption status | DataTypeID: 9001 | STRING |
MealConsumptionStatus Intraday | meal consumption status | DataTypeID: 9002 | STRING |
Intestinal Flora
Acinetobacter Daily | Acinetobacter information | DataTypeID: 8500 | DOUBLE |
Akkermansia Daily | Akkermansia information | DataTypeID: 8501 | DOUBLE |
Akkermansia Daily | Akkermansia information | DataTypeID: 8502 | DOUBLE |
Alistipes Daily | Alistipes information | DataTypeID: 8503 | DOUBLE |
Anaerococcus Daily | Anaerococcus information | DataTypeID: 8504 | DOUBLE |
Anaerostipes Daily | Anaerostipes information | DataTypeID: 8505 | DOUBLE |
Bacillus Daily | Bacillus information | DataTypeID: 8506 | DOUBLE |
Bacteroides Daily | Bacteroides information | DataTypeID: 8507 | DOUBLE |
Bifidobacterium Daily | Bifidobacterium information | DataTypeID: 8508 | DOUBLE |
Bilophila Daily | Bilophila information | DataTypeID: 8509 | DOUBLE |
Blautia Daily | Blautia information | DataTypeID: 8510 | DOUBLE |
Butyricicoccus Daily | Butyricicoccus information | DataTypeID: 8511 | DOUBLE |
Butyrivibrio Daily | Butyrivibrio information | DataTypeID: 8512 | DOUBLE |
Christensenella Daily | Christensenella information | DataTypeID: 8513 | DOUBLE |
Citrobacter Daily | Citrobacter information | DataTypeID: 8514 | DOUBLE |
Clostridium Daily | Clostridium information | DataTypeID: 8515 | DOUBLE |
Coprococcus Daily | Coprococcus information | DataTypeID: 8516 | DOUBLE |
Desulfobacter Daily | Desulfobacter information | DataTypeID: 8517 | DOUBLE |
Desulfosarcina Daily | Desulfosarcina information | DataTypeID: 8518 | DOUBLE |
Desulfovibrio Daily | Desulfovibrio information | DataTypeID: 8519 | DOUBLE |
Desulfuromonas Daily | Desulfuromonas information | DataTypeID: 8520 | DOUBLE |
Dorea Daily | Dorea information | DataTypeID: 8521 | DOUBLE |
Emergencia Daily | Emergencia information | DataTypeID: 8522 | DOUBLE |
Enterobacter Daily | Enterobacter information | DataTypeID: 8523 | DOUBLE |
Enterococcus Daily | Enterococcus information | DataTypeID: 8524 | DOUBLE |
Escherichia Daily | Escherichia information | DataTypeID: 8525 | DOUBLE |
Eubacterium Daily | Eubacterium information | DataTypeID: 8526 | DOUBLE |
Facecalibacterium Daily | Facecalibacterium information | DataTypeID: 8527 | DOUBLE |
Faecalibacterium Daily | Faecalibacterium information | DataTypeID: 8528 | DOUBLE |
Flavobacterium Daily | Flavobacterium information | DataTypeID: 8529 | DOUBLE |
Klebsiella Daily | Klebsiella information | DataTypeID: 8530 | DOUBLE |
Lactobacillus Daily | Lactobacillus information | DataTypeID: 8531 | DOUBLE |
Lactococcus Daily | Lactococcus information | DataTypeID: 8532 | DOUBLE |
Lactococus Daily | Lactococus information | DataTypeID: 8533 | DOUBLE |
Megasphaera Daily | Megasphaera information | DataTypeID: 8534 | DOUBLE |
Methanobacterium Daily | Methanobacterium information | DataTypeID: 8535 | DOUBLE |
Methanobrevibacter Daily | Methanobrevibacter information | DataTypeID: 8536 | DOUBLE |
Propionbacterium Daily | Propionbacterium information | DataTypeID: 8537 | DOUBLE |
Proteus Daily | Proteus information | DataTypeID: 8538 | DOUBLE |
Providencia Daily | Providencia information | DataTypeID: 8539 | DOUBLE |
Pseudomonas Daily | Pseudomonas information | DataTypeID: 8540 | DOUBLE |
Roseburia Daily | Roseburia information | DataTypeID: 8541 | DOUBLE |
Ruminococcus Daily | Ruminococcus information | DataTypeID: 8542 | DOUBLE |
Streptococcus Daily | Streptococcus information | DataTypeID: 8543 | DOUBLE |
Sutterella Daily | Sutterella information | DataTypeID: 8544 | DOUBLE |
Veillonella Daily | Veillonella information | DataTypeID: 8545 | DOUBLE |
Sexual Health
CycleLength Daily | self-reported menstrual cycle length in days | Data Type: 5110 | LONG |
CycleLength Intraday | self-reported menstrual cycle length in days | Data Type: 5110 | LONG |
CycleStartDate Daily | self-reported menstrual cycle start date | Data Type: 5130 | DATE |
CycleEndDate Daily | self-reported menstrual cycle end date | Data Type: 5131 | DATE |
CyclePhase Daily | self-reported menstrual cycle phase | Data Type: 5132 | STRING |
MenstrualBleeding Daily | self-reported menstrual bleeding intensity | Data Type: 5111 | STRING |
MenstrualBleeding Intraday | self-reported menstrual bleeding intensity | Data Type: 5111 | STRING |
VaginalDischarge Daily | self-reported vaginal discharge consistency | Data Type: 5112 | STRING |
VaginalDischarge Intraday | self-reported vaginal discharge consistency | Data Type: 5112 | STRING |
PredictedFertility Daily | predicted chance of fertility | Data Type: 5133 | STRING |
SexualEvent Daily | self-reported sexual event | Data Type: 5116 | STRING |
SexualEvent Intraday | self-reported sexual event | Data Type: 5116 | STRING |
ContraceptionEvent Daily | self-reported contraception event | Data Type: 5122 | STRING |
PregnancyTest Daily | self-reported pregnancy test result | Data Type: 5123 | STRING |
PregnancyTest Intraday | self-reported pregnancy test result | Data Type: 5123 | STRING |
Latitude Daily | dominant latitude geo location in this day | DataTypeID: 1401 | DOUBLE |
Latitude Intraday | detected latitude geo location (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1401 | DOUBLE |
Longitude Daily | dominant longitude geo location in this day | DataTypeID: 1402 | DOUBLE |
Longitude Intraday | detected longitude geo location (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1402 | DOUBLE |
Environmental Data
Thryve provides environmental data of user location. This encompasses weather and pollen data, all of which are presented in detail in the following chapters of this documentation.
Temperature Daily | Average daily ambient temperature in degree Kelvin | DataTypeID: 100 | DOUBLE |
AtmosphericPressure Daily | Average daily atmospheric pressure in hPa | DataTypeID: 101 | DOUBLE |
Humidity Daily | Average daily ambient air humidity in percent | DataTypeID: 102 | LONG |
WindSpeed Daily | Average daily wind speed in meter/sec | DataTypeID: 103 | DOUBLE |
Cloudiness Daily | Average daily cloudiness of sky in percent | DataTypeID: 104 | LONG |
RainVolume Daily | Total daily rain volume in mm | DataTypeID: 105 | DOUBLE |
SnowVolume Daily | Total daily snow volume in mm | DataTypeID: 106 | DOUBLE |
UVindex Daily | Average daily ultarviolet index in percent | DataTypeID: 107 | FLOAT |
Precipitation Daily | Total daily rain and snow volume combined in mm | DataTypeID: 108 | DOUBLE |
Self-reported Events
EnergyLevel Daily | self-reported energy level | Data Type: 5117 | STRING |
Mood Daily | self-reported mood for this day | Data Type: 5115 | STRING |
Mood Intraday | self-reported mood | DataTypeID: 5115 | STRING |
MotivationReport Daily | self-reported Motivation | Data Type: 5124 | STRING |
MentalStateReport Daily | self-reported mental state | Data Type: 5125 | STRING |
SicknessReport Intraday | self-reported sickness | Data Type: 5120 | STRING |
SicknessReport | self-reported sickness | Data Type: 5120 | STRING |
MedicationReport Daily | self-reported medication intake | Data Type: 5121 | STRING |
DrugEvent Daily | self-reported party event | Data Type: 5118 | STRING |
HotHunger Daily | self-reported hot hunger for a specific food | Data Type: 5126 | STRING |
SkinReport Daily | self-reported skin constitution | Data Type: 5127 | STRING |
HairReport Daily | self-reported hair | Data Type: 5128 | STRING |
DigestionReport Daily | self-reported digestion information | Data Type: 5129 | STRING |
SocialEvent Daily | self-reported social event | Data Type: 5119 | STRING |
AlcoholConsumption Daily | Metabolic stress during sleep detected | DataTypeID: 5010 | LONG |
FeverDetection Intraday | state of having fever in this minute | Data Type: 5044 | BOOLEAN |
ChargeDuration Daily | sum of minutes spent charging | DataTypeID: 1110 | LONG |
ChargeBinary Intraday | charge detected (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1110 | BOOLEAN |
DoffedDuration Daily | sum of minutes spent doffed | DataTypeID: 1111 | LONG |
DoffedBinary Intraday | device not worn (in this timeframe) | DataTypeID: 1111 | BOOLEAN |
AudioExposureEvent Intraday | Events of audio exposure | DataTypeID: 7100 | STRING |
AmbientAudioExposure Intraday | Audio exposure to sounds in decibels from ambient environment | DataTypeID: 7101 | DOUBLE |
HeadphoneAudioExposure Intraday | Audio exposure to sounds in decibels from headphones | DataTypeID: 7102 | DOUBLE |